Call for papers — Lewis & Tolkien

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9th July 2019: Call for papers — Lewis & Tolkien

It is rather common knowledge amongst the scholars of both Lewis and Tolkien that, although the former played quite a significant role in encouraging the latter to first publish The Hobbit and then to complete The Lord of the Rings, the creator of Middle-earth was never able (or, it seems, even willing) to appreciate the stories set in the land of Narnia. The actual reason(s) may now appear to be somewhat obscure (Tolkien is not known to have been particularly vocal about the matter), but, as he once remarked in a letter to Eileen Edgar (1972), his dislike of Lewis's septology resulted simply from "a difference of taste", doubtlessly caused by Tolkien's well-known aversion to allegory (and religious didactic allegory in particular).

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The Songs of the Spheres
Lewis, Tolkien and the Overlapping Realms of their Imaginations
Edited by Łukasz Neubauer and Guglielmo Spirito

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